Yahoo! Avatars

Monday, June 18, 2012

Thing #23

I really enjoyed this course, even though I am technology-challenged.  I'm proud of myself for problem-solving and being creative.  Some of my favorite things included making a Google doc page, using, and learning about the Library thing.  All of these things will allow me to help my students become more technology-savvy.  They are also a lot more fun than just using textbooks and paper.  After this course, I will continue to read articles from my RSS feed and work on my blog.

Thing #22

I didn't know that Classroom 2.0 existed before I took this course.  It really is wonderful to have an easy way to connect with other professionals.  I searched the word, "pragmatics", and I was able to find  ways to work on greetings.  I would like to interact with other Speech-Language Pathologists to think "outside the box" regarding speech therapy activities and tips.

Thing #7b

I found a good article through NPR Books in my Google Reader.  Here is the link:  I like this article because I love to read all kinds of books.  I also have an account with, and I can add these books to my list.  I look at the "popular picks" list on different bookstores websites to find good ones.

Thing #21

I have had a twitter account for a while, but I haven't been very faithful to use it.  I am a fan of Vicki Davis as evidenced by my other blog posts.  I like that she tweets about all kinds of issues and topics regarding education.  I have enjoyed learning more about technology through her tweets.  I would like to start following other Speech-Language Pathologists, so I can trade activity and strategy ideas with them.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Thing #20

I like using Google Docs, but I had trouble figuring how to save my work.   I didn't realized that Google Docs saves automatically.  I think students can use Google Docs to share test taking strategies and tips. They can use Google Docs to work on joint research papers.  Another thought would be to use Google Docs as a way to record student's progress.  I know there are many more ways to incorporate Google Docs into the schools.

Thing #19

I like Voicethread for several reasons.  I think putting your students' work in book form is a great way to show what they have done.  Also, it can make the students excited about what they are learning.  I also like that you can provide instruction to your kids online.  If they cannot come to tutoring, they can review using formulas provided on Voicethread.  Lastly, it is nice to have different people share their thoughts on a picture or idea.

Thing #18

I searched the words "speech therapy" in YouTube and in TeacherTube.  I found a great video of a 22-month-old boy working on the sound, /m/, in Speech.  I liked the way that the Speech Pathologist used both visual and tactile cues to help the child produce the sound.  I try to use these cues as often as I can with my own students.  The video of the boy is shown below.  On TeacherTube, I found some videos regarding the benefits of online speech therapy; I am skeptical about effectiveness of it.